We'll start with Sara's first litter
Sara & Deuce Litter Born Jan 2016

PIPER is a very happy girl going for walks with her family
PIPER is so eager to please that she takes to the training willingly. Couldn't have asked for a better addition to our "tribe"

VENUS, welcome home!

VENUS and her beach buddies
MAUI , likes to do all kinds of fun things with her family

Gord lives with my friend Lisa and gets to go to work with her every day.
Easy to see that both Gord and the children enjoy each others company.
Next we move on to Sara's second litter
Sara & Bentley Born March 2017

Willow lives with friend's of mine Beth & verne.
Just like Willow has her own Face Book page "Willow Tales"
she also has her own page on this web site.
All things Willow can be found under the "Retired Dogs" page.
Next we move on to Sara's third and final litter
Sara & River Born Nov 2017.
Welcome home "Eleven" we love you

Eleven is equally at home being a squeaky clean model golden retriever puppy
or ....
Queen of the dirty dawgs.
But I had sooooo much fun getting this dirty
Such a beautiful golden girl
Gus loves playing his toys!!

Gus LOVES chewing on sticks ... the bigger the better
Gus loves keeping an eye on what is happening in his neighbourhood