Trisha & Creed 
finishing his CH in style, winning WD, BOW, BOB, GR 3

Trisha & Creed   WD win

Creed self stacked

Creed, a litter mate to Ms Pink, is from Sara's second litter.
This litter was the result of breeding Sara with frozen from "Bentley".
I chose Bentley for a couple of reasons
1) he was a true classic golden both physically & in temperament.
Bentley was a breeder judge's dream,
meaning that golden retriever breeders who were also dog show judges really appreciated him
2) Bentley possessed a pedigree which was related to the male I had bred Sara with for her first litter.
this allowed me to do a breeding which was similar to Sara's first litter but with just a little different added in.

Creed's pedigree is an old one steeped with prominent Golden Retrievers from the breed's past and he wears his pedigree proudly.
Creed has matured into a beautiful adult male golden Retriever.
Creed is right where the breed standard indicates a male golden retriever should be, weighing 79 pounds
As the free stack picture indicate, Creed is structurally sound.
Creed's dentition is good with no missing or misaligned teeth

Most importantly, to me anyway, is Creed's temperament.
He exemplifies all that a male Golden Retriever should be.
He is a very easy going, easy to live with Golden Retriever male.
He gets along very well with canines and humans of every age.
True to the Golden Retriever breed, Creed is in tune with his environment and sensitive to those who are in it. 
My buddy Creed is never far from my side.

As I had retired from breeding Golden Retrievers, getting Creed's health screens done and showing him in the breed ring
were not on my mind, not priorities. 
My goal being to put my feet up and simply relax with and enjoy the company of my dogs.
As Creed matured, golden retriever breeders, whose opinions I had come to respect, kept trying to convince me to get my beautiful boy out in the show ring.
I kept reminding them that I had retired from breeding & showing Golden Retrievers..
Yet, they persisted.
Then 1 day I was watching Creed freely move about when we were out walking in the country.
His smooth, effortless ground covering movement, had me in awe.
After years of my friends telling me to get Creed into the show ring, it was Creed who convinced me that I had to.
Creed, being 7 years old was way beyond the normal 2 - 3 year age range of most dogs trying to earn their CH title.
Coming from slow to physically mature lines, Creed did not look his age., looking more like a 4 - 5 year old.
So, I decided let's go for it.
Now, who to get to show him for me.
That's when I was steered in the direction of Trisha Partington.
Trisha & her family have been involved with the Golden Retriever breed for decades.
She knew the breed well and could present a Golden Retriever very well.
Thankfully, she said yes!
In a matter of 3 weekends of showing Creed, Trisha guided him from a dog who'd had no ring training or experience
to his CH title.
Along the way, there were only 3 judges who did not reward Creed with either WD, BOW OR RWD.
Then came the final show outing for Creed & Trisha , where the stars aligned.
The judge was from Australia and the sire of Creed's gr mother, Lucy, was an Australian import.
Would the judge be able to see & appreciate the Aussie influence which is so obvious in my boy?
Yes she was able to do those things and she rewarded him with WD, BOW, BOB and a Grp 3rd!!!
Standing ringside, I was crying tears of joy!
Such a spectacular note on which to exit my Golden Retriever breeding / showing career.
Now my Creed can return to being  my beautiful couch & walking buddy.
I'll bring him out now and again to compete in the ring at specialty shows.

The same pattern that had happened with my friends urging me to show Creed,
came into play with regard to my getting his health screens done.
I put up resistance but eventually gave in, so at the age of 3 1/2 yrs,, well past the normal 2 yr age range, 
I took Creed in to the various specialists to get those health screened performed.
Here is Creed's OFA health certification link

Handsome Creed    

Beautiful classic male Golden Retriever head

Creed, my very happy golden boy


Saying good bye to Creed.

In the evening of June 26th 2024, Creed collapsed while he was playing in the park across the road from where we live.
I took him to the local emergency clinic.
The professionals there performed some basic diagnostics on Creed but were unable to definitively determine what was wrong with him.
Their recommendation was for Creed to be referred and admitted to another clinic where further diagnostics could be performed.
An MRI scan was performed there, showed a tumor on his spinal cord root ending.
There was nothing which could be done to treat the tumor and cure my Creed.
The following day, on June 27th 2024, I let my Creed go to a place where he could once again run free and play
with all the Joyso goldens who I know where waiting to greet him and show him around his new home.
Especially his grandmother Lucy, with whom Creed had become close when she returned to live with me.
I shall miss my sweet baby boy, that's for sure.
He was never far from my side, a true golden companion.